The Indy Tribune Endorses Barack Obama for President

The Editor | Thursday, October 25, 2012 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

INDIANAPOLIS - As we head with uncertainty into a new era, it is time for all Americans to make a decision that will shape our great nation's destiny.

With the presidential election now just twelve days away, we as a nation need to think clearly about whether we want a president who will guide us, or who will misguide us.

We need a leader that displays restraint in the face of adversity; who knows what it takes to get our economy going again; and who isn't 100% bat-shit crazy.

It is for these reasons, and those you are about to read, that The Indy Tribune today endorses President Barack Obama for president.

Even though the draconian Obama has persistently threatened to put more and more people back to work, he has at least followed through on this promise by bringing down a national unemployment rate that was in free fall at the continuation of the presidency of George W. Bush. 

The president has worked hard to repair damaged relations with hundreds of Not-America countries, and in the process has presided over the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden, who we later discovered was not only a terror mastermind, but an incredibly gifted writer. In the same year, Obama was instrumental in the killing of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who's death prompted instant peace across Libya.

In his first term, Obama was able to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, allowing gay soldiers to openly serve in the United States Armed Forces, something that the majority of Republicans opposed. The president has also - unlike his Republican challenger - pledged his support for gay marriage, becoming the first sitting president to do so. This move has proved popular among gays. Well, except for Indianapolis resident, David Schultz, who couldn't give a shit either way.

While there is still more work to be done, President Obama's healthcare bill means that people with pre-existing conditions can not be refused coverage, that insurance companies cannot drop people from coverage after they get sick, and that we'll finally have more sexy doctors and nurses in our nation's hospitals.

When Barack Obama is elected to office for a second term, we can fully expect another four years of seeing stuff sort of get done. Expect comprehensive immigration reform that nearly goes all the way, some sort of an attempt at Israeli-Palestinian peace, and steady-but-not-perfect jobs numbers. His presidency will be good. In decades to come, it might be viewed as great. We doubt the same will ever be said of Mitt Romney. Even if he were to successfully put a man on Mars.

Thank you,
Indy Tribune  
