Hard-Up Filmmaker Frantically Writing Raunchy Muhammed Screenplay

The Editor | Friday, September 21, 2012 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

YORKTOWN - Struggling to break into the film industry with a series of underfunded independent projects, local filmmaker Alan Friedrich was frantically writing a  controversial screenplay Friday depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammed as an alcoholic, homosexual gambler. Set to the working title of Muhammed Does Vegas the screenplay was first devised as a conceptual piece about life in rural Indiana. "I soon realized that that kind of material just doesn't sell, so I thought I'd jump on the whole band-wagon of arbitrarily depicting the Prophet as a practicing Jew. That's the sort of thing that's going viral these days." An early YouTube screening of the film is set to be marked in Pakistan next year with the ruthless bombing of the U.S Embassy in Islamabad.
