Romney Points to Fact That $2.8m in Taxes is Far Higher than What Most Americans Pay

Laurence Brown | Tuesday, January 24, 2012 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

TALLAHASSEE, FL - Embattled Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has defended himself over the controversy surrounding his tax percentage, insisting that the $2.8m he pays annually is "far more than what most people pay in a single year."

Speaking at a campaign event in Tallahassee ahead of Saturday's primary election, Mr Romney hit back at suggestions that he is out of touch with working families across America, who he said "only have to pay an annual average tax amount of around $6,000."

"Listen, I really don't want to dwell on this tax issue any more than I have to," said Mr Romney, speaking in front of supporters this afternoon. "But the fact that I am paying almost three million dollars more than your average working American ought to tell you that I'm not exactly getting off scott free."

"In fact, if anything, the tax system is unfairly balanced against me."

Mr Romney initially drew fire for his refusal to release tax records for 2010 and 2011, but having released them this morning the former Massachusetts Governor has been "highly surprised by the negative response from media outlets and voters."

"Come on, people," he continued. "You know as well as I do that I'm paying more taxes than anyone else in this race. It's time we dropped the issue altogether."

Meanwhile, Mr Romney insisted that his personal wealth of around $270 million, which also includes three lavish properties, did not mean he was out of touch with families who are registered beneath the poverty line.

"Believe me, I know how those people feel," he concluded. "After all, when the IRS screws me out of thousands each month in taxes, it's difficult to plan those five dream vacations you've been thinking about all year."
