DES MOINES, IA - Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul insist that you just haven't gone out there and done enough research on the congressman's voting record, that's all.
Once you read up on Paul's less conservative policies - such as his commitment to abolishing the IRS and the Federal Reserve, as well as diminishing the United States' military involvement overseas - you'll realize that he's not like all those other phony mainstream politicians.
"Seriously, go and Google 'Ron Paul PATRIOT ACT 2001' and you'll see what I mean," said Des Moines resident and longtime Paul supporter Brad Haworth. "Ron Paul is the real deal. His voting record speaks for itself."
Suggesting that you check out this one YouTube video of the congressman completely owning Fox News presenter Bill O'Reilly in a debate over U.S. imperialism, advocates for Ron Paul 2012 believe vehemently that you're just forming your political opinions based on false proclamations made by the mainstream media. If you and every other brainwashed American would wake up and realize that Ron Paul is the only viable candidate this country has, then - say Paul's supporters - this country can be great once again.
"If you're thinking of voting for Barack Obama in 2012 then you obviously don't know what real change is all about," continued Haworth. "Ron Paul Revolution, baby!"
Meanwhile, after sending you the Wikipedia article on Ron Paul, voters of the congressman hope that while you're reading up on the 3-time presidential candidate's proposal to audit the Federal Reserve, you kind of just overlook passages referencing Paul's staunch opposition to both same-sex marriage and rights for foreign nationals and that, if you believe in a woman's right to an abortion, you don't over-analyze Paul's pro-life stance too much. Just read the other stuff.
Image credit: R. DeYoung. Creative commons.