Billionaire's Weekend Ruined by Mean Protesters

The Editor | Saturday, October 15, 2011 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

NEW YORK CITY - For Billionaire and all-around good egg Dennis Maiger, a weekend away in The Big Apple was supposed to have been the perfect tonic after another hard week slaving away in his 70th storey office in Los Angeles.

But there was no joy to be found for the good-natured and overtly-generous 42-year-old, when his vacation was absolutely ruined by the thoughtlessness of a large group of mean protesters.

Thousands of selfish activists lined up along Wall Street - which at any one time can house hundreds of decent, hardworking executive bankers - to laughably demonstrate against perceived corruption along that very street.

"It was just a nightmare," said a heartbroken Mr Maiger. "I just wanted to come here and unwind and instead I was subjected to the most humiliating experience of my life. It's a good job I'm such a patient and caring individual. I might have said something otherwise."

As he idly ambled his way down to his favorite hang out - The New York Stock Exchange - the lovable oil tycoon endured a torrent of verbal abuse at the hands of hundreds of terrible, sign-waving post graduates.

"They made me feel so small," continued a shaken-up Mr Maiger. "One minute I was all set to enjoy a good-natured champagne party with the boys and the next I was in the second circle of Hell. I'm just glad that the police are clamping down on those evil-doers."

Mr Maiger, who last month received $400,000 dollars in bonuses for just being a really awesome and morally sound guy, was awarded further compensation yesterday afternoon by the City of New York in response to the "disgusting treatment" he had received at the hands of those vindictive poor people.
