Ballard Reaches Out to Young Voters By Subtly Mentioning Twitter in Campaign Speech

Laurence Brown | Friday, October 28, 2011 | | | Best Blogger Tips

INDIANAPOLIS - Incumbent mayor and current Republican nominee Greg Ballard today reached out to the city's younger voters by making subtle references to the social networking giant Twitter during a campaign speech at Butler University.

Distancing himself from the usual rhetoric of fiscal responsibility, the current mayor regaled students at Clowes Memorial Hall with an amusing anecdote about his attempts at connecting with voters online.

"Okay, let me just caveat this by saying I'm not the most technically savvy guy," chuckled Ballard. "When I first used Twitter, I thought it was some kind of a throwback to Tweety Pie. Never thought I'd be able to share my strong leadership credentials via an animated bird. But seriously, folks, Twitter is a great way to keep up-to-date with what I'm doing throughout the campaign."

"Did I mention that I'm also on Facebook?" he continued.

Opening up the discussion to the floor, Ballard fielded questions about the current state of Indianapolis' political and architectural infrastructure during a 20-minute Q&A session.
Following a student's question about the limitations of incessant road development across the city, Ballard was unequivocal in his response: "I just love to Tweet."

With Ballard poised to lay out his vision for the next four years later today, his campaign team insists that his list of policies will easily fit within Twitter's 140-character limit.

Image credit: Flickr. indywriter. Creative commons.
