CASTLETON - Writing under his profile name Almanac_62, abnormal local kid Andrew Callaghan today responded to a popular YouTube video by incorporating recognizable grammatical forms and correct spelling into his post.
Commenting on a video excerpt from the cartoon Family Guy, the 16-year-old is believed to have taken the bizarre step of correctly spelling the words "definitely" and "genius," as well as inserting outdated forms of punctuation such as commas and apostrophes into his 64-word comment.
Such was the unusual clarity of his review that several other YouTube members were quick to put the teenager in his place with helpful and advisory responses such as "i h0pe ur mom fukz u up ur a$$hol u fukin jrkfaec" and "stop tallkin sht bout stuff u dum basterd."
In addition to the cringe-worthy syntactical accuracy of his writing, Callaghan appeared guilty of using polysyllabic words such as "indoctrination", "retrospective" and "decriminalization" to get his points across, and left thousands of readers bewildered when he made accurate use of a character known as the "question mark" at the end of a concluding interrogative sentence.
According to user fukbomb77, however, Callaghan has not responded to comments on the site ever since he was constructively advised to 'STP REEDIN DA FUKIN DICTONARY ALL DA TIME AN GET A FUKIN L1FE!!!'
Image credit: Fair use.