School Board Only Wants the Very Best For The School Board

The Editor | Tuesday, September 04, 2012 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

FORT WAYNE - The school board of a newly opened charter school in Fort Wayne reiterated its commitment Monday to its ongoing success, stating: "ultimately, we only want the very best for the school board."

Even though the board admits there is still plenty of work to be done, enthusiastic board members overseeing the opening of the Thurgood Marshall Leadership Academy - insisted that "our long term aim is to turn this school board into one of the finest in Indiana. The long term success of the board of directors is priority number one."

Not afraid to shy away from difficult decisions, board member Leah Manson said that the board "would do everything in the interests of the board, even if this means cutting certain departments or personnel."

"This past week, we were forced to cut one of Thurgood's extremely popular arts departments, even though this department had the potential to not only bring in a greater pool of students from the community, but to harness untapped creative ability, and to send a message to other schools that we are the best. The truth is, we really couldn't give two shits about the arts. Our focus is on ensuring that we, the board, are happy. Period."

Another of the board's key aims is to foster a "nurturing atmosphere" across its directorial offices, allowing for development among "bright and prospective" board members.

"We are very welcoming of new board members," continued Manson. "We appoint individuals from all kinds of different backgrounds and the good news is that no qualifications or prior experience are required. You just need to turn up."
