Dear Dr. Sister, My Girlfriend Gets Jealous When I Hang Out, Have Sex with Other Girls

Dr. Sister | Thursday, September 20, 2012 | | | Best Blogger Tips

Dear Dr. Sister,

I've been dating this great girl for about eight months. Everything's terrific, except for this one area. She gets super jealous whenever I hang out with any of my female friends. And have sex with them. I mean, I keep trying to tell her it doesn't mean anything, that these girls and I are just hanging out, maybe watching a movie and talking, you know, and then giving our bodies over to wild, animal passion. Like you would with any close buddy, you know? That with her it's wonderful, beautiful lovemaking and with these other girls it's just two friends hanging out, palling around, writhing and moaning in savage ecstasy. But she just doesn't get it. What can I do?

Hen-Pecked in Hagerstown

My Precious Hen-Pecked,

Sorry to hear you can't keep your schwantz in your bloomers. I understand the need to "spread your seed". I planted a garden once with Sister Rosemary. She insisted on planting rosemary...get it? I digress. I see no reason why your lady should be getting upset. Unfortunately as Millard Filmore once said, some "chicks ain't fit for hoes and tricks." I don't think that's verbatim, but you get the point. Also, that reminds me...we need a new hoe for the convent. Sister Rosemary stepped on it while we were gardening and snapped it in half (she's a heavier-set gal). Lolz! Good luck and God Speed.


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