Forgetful Bush 'Still Occasionally Turning Up to White House Unannounced'

Laurence Brown | Tuesday, March 20, 2012 | | | Best Blogger Tips

WASHINGTON D.C. - Sources in Washington D.C. have confirmed that former U.S. President George W. Bush is still forgetfully turning up to the White House unnanounced. He was seen this morning idly walking around the grounds of the White House, apparently forgetful of the fact that he no longer lives there.

Waving to tourists and press photographers, Bush was seen walking his dog Barney around the White House Lawn this morning, just days after several news networks reported that a grey haired Caucasian man was spotted trying to wedge open a window to the Diplomatic Reception Room.

"We can confirm reports that former President Bush has been seen loitering around the Rose Garden, Oval Office and various entrance ways to the building", said White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. "We don't know why he keeps coming back or what he wants, but we'll be addressing this very serious breach of security in due course".

It was also confirmed that the 43rd President has even made his way into the building on more than one occasion, reportedly appearing puzzled after being asked to leave by security guards.

"He didn't seem to understand why we wanted him out of the building", said Secret Service agent, Ryan Penton. "In fact he just kept harping on about how he wanted to make a quick conference call to former Vice President Cheney from the Situation Room. It was really weird".

It is also understood that Bush was greeted in the Oval Office late on Monday evening by a somewhat reluctant President Obama, who released a short statement this afternoon: "He asked me to get the hell out of his chair and make him some coffee while he pitched an arms proposal to Vladimir Putin. I just sat there not really knowing what to say. Thankfully my security team escorted him out at that point. I just... I just hope he doesn't come back".

This is not the first time a former president has breached White House Security. In 2001, a semi-naked Jimmy Carter was discovered reading books in the White House Library, while in 1997 President Ronald Reagan - suffering from Alzheimer's disease at the time - had to be escorted off the premises after attempting to convince a delegation of world leaders that he was former first lady Hillary Clinton.
