Phil van Hest Talks About Cats, Homegrown Veggies and his New Show

Laurence Brown | Saturday, October 08, 2011 | | | | Best Blogger Tips

This month, Wit's End sat down with one of Indiana's rising stars of stand-up comedy Phil van Hest, whose monthly show - 'Funny About That' - premieres at the IndyFringe Building Wednesday. Here's how it all went down. 

IT: How are you doing, Phil?
PHIL: I have never been busier or happier in my life.  A speech for Public Social University through the IMA, a speech on sustainability for Butler's first annual Green Summit, a grant to inspire high school kids in Indiana to fearlessly pursue "gender non-traditional careers," And I just got a third cat that doesn't get along with the other two cats.  It's like having a baby with teeth that fights your other babies at night, very loudly.

IT: Welcome again to Indiana. You're not from around here are you?

PHIL: Nah brah, Cali.  My laugh line is "I moved from Los Angeles to Indianapolis (expertly timed comedic pause) to pursue a career in show 
business (bask in laugh-glory).

IT: The world premiere of your new monthly show - 'Funny About That' - takes place at the IndyFringe Building on October 12. Give us the low down!

PHIL: This is my attempt at self-sustainability. I want this show to become my full time job.  It is the reason I am here, and I am anxiously anticipating not screwing it up this Wednesday. If I do, the blow will be cushioned by free beer.  The beer will be free for all comers to the October/November shows. After that, to prevent my print advertising from becoming a lie, I will provide a free beer to at least one audience member. I will decide who based on a complex set of random values I arbitrarily invent each night after again spending all month forgetting to devise a system.

IT: How else can we sample Phil Van Hest (I'm thinking online media)?

PHIL: I work hard to concentrate all things Phil into my site, If it's about me and it's not there, it's probably a shitty review.

IT: What's the second greatest thing that has ever happened to you?

PHIL: Battlecat Tonic Water Forte, of the Broken Whiskers.

IT: I understand you have a thing for cats? 

PHIL: Why, did I just imply something like that?

IT: And what's all this about homegrown vegetables?

PHIL: They taste better, render you more independent, and subvert the concept of mandatory consumer spending.

IT: So, how can people keep abreast (hehe) of all your upcoming events? 

PHIL: I have a delightful semi-quarterly newsletter, and people are free to sign up for it at!  Or send me an email!

IT: Do you have any questions for us?

PHIL: Will I see you at the world premiere of my new monthly show, "FREE BEER with Phil van Hest?"

IT: Well, unfortunately we will be busy launching some shitty website that evening, but we will certainly make it to the November, December and January gigs. Anyway, you are now free to leave.

PHIL: Great, because I am busy as fuck.
Funny About That with Phil van Hest -- AND YOU! 
Wednesday, October 12th @ 8PM
IndyFringe Building,
719 E St Clair St,
Indianapolis, IN 46202

FREE Flat12 draft beer!
Tickets are $10 at the door.
Phil van Hest presents a monthly LIVE talk show featuring Indy personalities, and special guests. He's handing a megaphone and an audience to the community voice.   FUNNY ABOUT THAT will uncover sundry, silly, and direly hilarious news and opinion items that, in van Hest's words, "may have eluded the attention of larger media outlets." 

Image credit: Mike Soultanian
