Evidence of Life Discovered on Surface of Marsh

Laurence Brown | Saturday, October 01, 2011 | | | | | Best Blogger Tips

ANDERSON - In what has become a sensational development, sources today confirmed the discovery of life on the surface of Marsh - the Indianapolis-based food retail store.

It was previously believed that life could not flourish on the store's floor, but recent studies have unearthed a plethora of biped-like creatures roaming the surface looking for food.

"It is truly one of the most remarkable observations in the history of retail," said researcher Lillian Mullen. "These ape-descended creatures, who mostly appear to be primitive in their genetic make-up, move from one territory to another, gathering sources of nutrition before seemingly migrating elsewhere. We're not talking about intelligent life-forms here, but the fact that they are living and breathing is a start."

Meanwhile, cross-examination of the clothing choices and hairstyles of the life-forms would appear to place the origin of the species at around 1987.     

Image credit: author's own (composite).
