About Us

Laurence Brown | Friday, April 01, 2011 | Best Blogger Tips

Founded in 2011, The Indianapolis Tribune is an online news journal and the first officeless paper ever to grace the state of Indiana. Our continuing mission is to produce insightful and thought-provoking news to our fellow Hoosiers, without ever succumbing to the process of fact-checking.

Since our launch in September 2011, The Indy Tribune (as many are now calling it) has won many plaudits for its superior quality of journalism. Indeed, the New York Times was moved to write: “some of the most fearless journalism of our time. It deserves all of our respect.” They were, of course, talking about the Huffington Post, but who’s counting?

Operating largely in the Indianapolis area, The Tribune (as lazy readers are now calling it) is estimated to have a daily reach of between 5 readers and 50,000 readers per day, depending on who you speak to.

We can be found on both Facebook and Twitter.


The Editor
Laurence Brown
