Children's Museum Launches Terrifying 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' Exhibit

The Editor | Friday, October 26, 2012 | | | | | | Best Blogger Tips

INDIANAPOLIS - Ahead of its busy Halloween season this month, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis today piloted a terrifying exhibit in which children were subjected to re-enacted scenes from the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Offering families a special $5 discount, museum officials said they hoped to put on "an extravaganza that kids could remember for years
to come", adding that "this (exhibit) would be more than just your usual haunted house. Kids will walk away from this experience feeling legitimately petrified".

"It's been a lot of fun to put this thing together," said museum interpreter and local actor Kent Mulligan, after scarring several children for life with his harrowing portrayal of the character Leatherface. "It's really gratifying, as an actor, to know that you did an utterly convincing job out there. It was great to see their faces light up with fear during the meat-hook scene. Most of them were crying for their parents. It was super cute."

According to parents - many of whom were also left shaken by the experience - children as young as 6 were chased out of the museum by an "obsessed actor wielding a motorized chainsaw", while his apron appeared to be dowsed in actual blood.

The exhibit is set to run through November 1, though the museum has said it might be granted an extension should it prove popular with the 7-10 demographic over the next week.    
