Bunch of Big Ass Wind Turbines Appear The Heck Out of Nowhere

Laurence Brown | Friday, September 28, 2012 | | | Best Blogger Tips

BENTON COUNTY, IN - A bunch of really big ass wind turbines appeared the heck out of nowhere Friday, as Charlene and Andrew Mayfield headed north along U.S. 52 bound for Chicago. 

The couple had apparently been driving along for almost two hours when, holy shit
, they were suddenly surrounded by, like, a crap-ton of these really huge, fully operational energy towers that, for the love of God, had not been there a second ago. 

"I've honestly never seen anything like it," said 27-year-old Andrew Mayfield. "I mean, there must have been, like, four hundred of these tower things just doing their thing right there in the middle of the countryside. It was mind-blowing."

Not only was there a reported shitload of these super big turbines, but each of them - and you're not going to believe this - was synchronized to rotate at the same freaking time.

Meanwhile, since going to press, the Mayfields say that on their night-time journey back from Chicago Saturday, the turbines did this scary-ass blinking thing across the night sky, which was "totally crazy."

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